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Stay at in a sentence

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Sentence count:208+10Posted:2017-05-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: stay-at-homeplay atayatollahpay attentionpay attention toayatollah khomeinistaystay outMeaning: v. reside temporarily. 
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151. I hated this place and will never stay at a campsite again.
152. The couple have a wide range of honeymoon options, including a stay at Queen Elizabeth II's vast Balmoral Estate in Scotland, where they would likely have the privacy needed to evade paparazzi.
153. His present position lets him stay at one remove from the neighbours.
154. And the headman tells the villagers to give them food and let them stay at the mosque.
155. There was a snow storm and, under the circumstances, they decided to stay at home.
156. Buddha says, if we couldn't steadfastly stay at the present, it isn't a real solitudinarian even if we live in a distant jungle.
157. In an ideal world Karen Stevens says she would love to stay at home with her two-and-half-year old son.
158. We plan to stay at two different camping site and explore from there.
159. It's not bad to stay at home since it's raining outside and too cold to have chilblains.
160. Though it's snowing outside, you'd better stay at school this night.
161. I decided I'd stay at the hotel the week - end and put in an appearance at church.
162. But in his first television interview on the crisis, Bouton said, "The board is asking to stay at the helm of the boat during this storm.
163. Our stay at Edessa 89 kms west of Thessalonica was delightful and a place we would all love to return to.
164. Managers at five-star hotels run by foreign hotel chains, such as Sol Melia and Accor, confirmed Cubans will be able to stay at any hotel if they can afford the prices.
165. Cesc Fabregas is 8 - 11 to stay at Arsenal and evens to say adios.
165. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. The girl became homesick after a week's stay at her aunt's.
167. That would mean rates on certain credit cards, home equity loans, some adjustable-rate mortgages and other consumer loans would stay at their lowest point in decades.
168. My family had to stay at Beilun Thermal Power Plant for a few days housepermanent settlement.
169. Thermal long johns are recommended for a stay at the Ice Hotel in Jukkasj?rvi where winter temperatures never rise above freezing -- and can drop to minus 35C.
170. Last year, for instance, a girl from Abia village dropped out of school in Katine because her parents could not provide her with the necessary items that help girls stay at school.
171. Apparently my big-mouthed sister-in-law, who is so lazy, she has nothing to do but stay at home and watch TV heard the numbers, and called her.
172. Earlier, Victoria day to stay at home to avoid the media see more secret familiar with the Department of Obstetrics and inspections, media speculation she was pregnant.
173. Stop smoking and munch right to help your body stay at a healthy weight.
174. You can stay at a "dude ranch, " an Old West country hotel.
175. In his teens, Mr.Zhang was a Red Guard in Chongqing, he said, but did not see any fighting because his parents made him stay at home.
176. A stay at "Doggie Day Camp" without the overnight goes for 20 dollars the day.
177. The NMSP leaders decided at their meeting last week to appoint one central committee member to stay at a liaison office in Moulmein in the future.
178. She could not just stay at home and read " eternal triangle 'stories.
179. I had to stay at home one week ministering to my sick son.
180. So we had to stay at home and turn on the air-conditioner .
More similar words: stay-at-homeplay atayatollahpay attentionpay attention toayatollah khomeinistaystay outstay upstay instay overtaylorpapayagray areahimalayaramayanapayablesbetrayalhimalayaslay asidemay as wellplay a partplay alongportrayalplayactingday and nightpay a complimentthe day after tomorrowday after daystag
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